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An official website made to catalogue the voicebanks of FNV characters and provide official download links to each voicebank.Distribution to website design & artwork is all managed by UpTown-PFor more information surrounding this project, please see the about page.
Listed singers on website (Active)
➥ Springy Cogs
➥ Joca Pellington
➥ Thomathy Chaston
➥ Gravity Dorito Guy/GDG
➥ Otori Shifuku
≫★ Name: Thomathy Chaston
≫★ Age: 23
≫★ Gender: Male
≫★ Pronouns: He/him
≫★ Height: 160cm (164cm with boots)
≫★ Sparkle count: 6 (Formerly 4)
≫★ Species: Fallen angel (Formerly an angel)
≫★ Status: Alive
≫★ Bio: Tomi is a lacky and world-class hacker in a trio of criminals with no goal in mind other than to terrorise the public. Despite clashing with his leader, Springy, Tomi often assists him in cleaning up after his antics.He used to be rather introverted and observant, however in recent times has become more outspoken and vocal about his opinions despite his lack of outward emotion. He can get rather snappy due to his bad sleeping habits and intense mood swings. He is easily irritated or agitated over little things as a side affect of Springy and Jocas antics. He is almost always quiet unless irritated or feels deeply about certain topics.Tomi's item is his laptop, which he uses to breach government security as well as erase any sensitive data that has been acquired on Springy and Joca.Tomi struggles with his mental and physical health and deals with chronic pain due to having an inorganic body. He tends to have very intense migraines that are induced by having complex PTSD.

Thomathy Chaston | voice: UpTown-P | owner: UpTown-P
△ NOTICE: A majority of Tomis old voicebanks (made from 2021-2022) have been unlisted from the website as they are considered outdated and have information in them that are no longer relevant to his current character, additionally, they will also not be receiving updates due to all previous information mentioned.Reuploading or redistributing these voicebanks & files within them is OK as long as they are considered discontinued or inactive (i.e. vociebank download link going down)
Tomis androgynous voice and variety in tone makes his voice able to fit a wide variety of genres, he has a vague Scottish accent with a French twang. He is able to fit into various genres of rock, pop, heavy metal & indie.
→ ★ (Recommended)
→ X (Unavailable)
→ 1.0 - 2.0 etc. (Voicebank version)
→ JP (Japanese)
→ ENG (English)
→ CHN (Chinese)
→ ESP (Spanish)
→ KOR (Korean)
→ PITCH (Pitches recorded)
→ EXPRESSION (Expressions recorded)
DUSK ★ | CORE JP | 6 | 2 | CVVC | DEMO | DUSK 1.0 | UpTown-P | masculine |
IREFUL | append JP | 2 | 0 | CVVC | DEMO | IREFUL 1.0 | UpTown-P | masculine |
MOROSE ★ | append JP | 3 | 0 | CVVC | X | X | UpTown-P | masculine |
MINI | CORE JP | 1 | 0 | CV | x | mini 1.0 | uptown-p | feminine |
CVVC JP ★ | CORE JP | 1 | 0 | CVVC | DEMO | CVVC 1.1 | uptown-p | feminine |
COALESENCE ★ | CORE/append JP | multi | 2 | CVVC | DEMO | COALESENCE 1.1 | uptown-p | feminine |
SKULL ★ | append JP | 1 | 0 | CVVC | X | SKULL 1.0 | uptown-p | feminine |
COLD ★ | append JP | 3 | 0 | CVVC | DEMO | COLD 1.0 | UpTown-P | feminine |
POWER ★ | append JP | 3 | 0 | CVVC | DEMO | POWER 1.0 | UpTown-P | feminine |
≫★ Name: Joca Pellington
≫★ Age: Physically 19
≫★ Gender: Genderfluid
≫★ Pronouns: Any/all
≫★ Height: 172cm
≫★ Sparkle count: 1 (Formerly 0)
≫★ Species: Shapeshifter/Hitogata (Formerly human)
≫★ Status: Alive (or undead?)
≫★ Bio: Joca is a lackey in a trio of criminals with no goal in mind other than to terrorise the public; he is the right-hand man to the leader of the group, Springy, whom he often assists with causing chaos.Joca is a shapeshifter who loves to crack jokes. Despite their good intentions, they are frequently presented as clumsy and oblivious to how their actions affect others. Joca is very loyal to Tomi and Springy (sometimes to the point of obsessiveness and jealousy) and will often go above and beyond to show her dedication to her friends.Joca also has a very unpredictable and erratic temperament that can change at any given time.A lot of the actions that Joca commits can be viewed as spontaneous or impulsive by some, especially Tomi.His item is his knife, which they carry at all times for defense.Joca shows signs of having ASD, often parroting phrases and actions back to another. Although, this may just be how Joca fits in to seem "normal" to other humans.

Joca Pellington | voice: JocaPelt | owner: JocaPelt
The voice is deep and bassy while maintaining a calm sound. Jocas voice can fit J-Pop, Chiptune and various Indie genres of music.
→ ★ (Recommended)
→ X (Unavailable)
→ 1.0 - 2.0 etc. (Voicebank version)
→ JP (Japanese)
→ ENG (English)
→ CHN (Chinese)
→ ESP (Spanish)
→ KOR (Korean)
→ PITCH (Pitches recorded)
→ EXPRESSION (Expressions recorded)
CVVC ★ | CORE JP | 1 | 0 | CVVC | DEMO | CVVC 1.0 | uptown-p |
mercurial ★ | CORE JP | 3 | 1 | CVVC | DEMO | MERCURIAL 1.0 | UpTown-P |
≫★ Name: Springy Cogs
≫★ Age: Physically 27
≫★ Gender: Male
≫★ Pronouns: He/they
≫★ Height: 183cm
≫★ Sparkle count: 7 (Formerly 8)
≫★ Species: Deity (God Of war, formerly the god of eclipse)
≫★ Status: Alive
≫★ Bio: Springy is the lead in a trio of criminals with no goal in mind other than to terrorise the public while trying to remain under the radar of several world governments and three letter agencies who are out to get him and his lackeys.Springy's cute appearance and aloof manner help him get away with a lot of chaos caused by his own doing. Nobody really knows much about him, his past, or what he actually does for a living. Springy is a mysterious person and doesn't tend to overshare about his past or background.The only thing known about Springy's past is that he used to be a librarian but quit his job to pursue "bigger things", as he puts it.On the outside, Springy appears foolish, oblivious, and fun-loving, but he can also be a touch chaotic at times. On the inside, he is charismatic, cunning, and sly. He is a skilled liar and is always aware of what he is doing.
Springy's deep intricacy is what marks him as so enigmatic for many people.

Springy Cogs | voice: mechanicalcogz | owner: mechanicalcogz
Springys voice is masculine and accented, but cute and nasally in timbre. He's perfect for genres like J-POP, Shibukei, Jazz, House music (Koronba esc), Techno-Rock and Alt/Indie music.
→ ★ (Recommended)
→ X (Unavailable)
→ 1.0 - 2.0 etc. (Voicebank version)
→ JP (Japanese)
→ ENG (English)
→ CHN (Chinese)
→ ESP (Spanish)
→ KOR (Korean)
→ PITCH (Pitches recorded)
→ EXPRESSION (Expressions recorded)
≫★ Name: GDG
≫★ Age: 60+
≫★ Gender: Male
≫★ Pronouns: He/him
≫★ Height: 85cm (Dorito), 130cm (Disguise)
≫★ Species: Artificial being
≫★ Status: Alive
≫★ Bio: The result of many science experiments done by Springy, GDG was made sometime in the mid-late 1900’s (Presumably 1960-70s?)He is a sentient Dorito with the power to defy gravity, GDG is one of Springys main accomplices when it comes to experiments. He has a disguise form that takes the shape of a demon that would commonly be found on earth.His personality is reserved, jaded and short tempered, however respectful to Springy when needs be.

Otori Shifuku | voice: UpTown-P | owner: UpTown-P
≫★ Name: (R)AM GEL
≫★ Pronouns: Any/all
≫★ Species: AI
≫★ Status: Immortal
≫★ Bio: (R)AM GEL is a computer virus from 2009 that 'somehow' weaselled its way into the computer that Springy built for to host an AI clone of Tomi.(R)AM GEL's personality is deceitful and cunning, often spewing false promises that they are the saviour of your computer memory, and will promise eternal RAM and storage to users who download them, only to explode the computer with multiple forms of malware and viruses only to brick it from ever working again.The AI clone of Tomi, Tomi AI, successfully stopped this from happening, rendering (R)AM_GEL's antics useless, but now has to live with her stuck to his side as an involuntary roommate due to being unable to delete her completely from his system.

Gravity Dorito Guy | voice: ZANE2994 | owner: mechanicalcogz
≫★ Name: Otori Shifuku
≫★ Age: 16
≫★ Gender: Female
≫★ Pronouns: She/her
≫★ Height: 143cm
≫★ Species: Shapeshifter
≫★ Status: Alive
≫★ Bio: Otori is perceived as an immature girl with a boyish demeanour. In her highschool, she participates in debate and true crime clubs, Otori's interest in true crime also leads her to volunteer at a news agency.She is currently investigating the elusive "Springy Cogs" because of a hitman case she worked on in the past that had a connection to Springy.Otori is extremely intelligent and knows how to get what she wants, but due to having an antisocial personality disorder, she often acts on impulse. She frequently looks for loopholes in pre-existing laws and bends them to suit her needs in order to get away with doing borderline criminal acts that she exploits to either benefit herself or to get someone else arrested.

(R)AM_GEL | voice: plagueworme | owner: UpTown-P
▓ ✧ What is FNV about & who made it?━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━What is it about?
FNV/KYNY is a slice of life styled story in the sense that it follows the life of three best friends who enable each other's chaos in daily life. Its backstory is filled with deep lore and interpersonal relationships. Motivations that are driven by loss and love, a search for community, identity, self and comfort. The stories of the main three characters intertwine into one as you follow along on their journey to becoming who they are today.~ Acronym meaning: Friday Night Universe, Kin yobi no yoru, On a Friday NightWho made it?
A group chat of teenagers on discord were originally behind FNV, starting out as a joke originally however became more serious as time went on with the addition of more characters and lore proposals. FNV became a world that was built extensively over the period of early 2021, and originally ceasing development as of June 2022, but was picked back up exactly a year later on June 19th, 2023 and is now active as of writing.The creators behind the project are UpTown-P/tomiprod, MechanicalCogz/Springrz & JocaPelt/P3KK3R_P3KK3R.About lore
The lore is formatted in a google document and is updated occasionally to add, correct or cut pieces of information that may or may not be valuable to the world building and story of FNV overall. As of writing, the document needs to be updated as small pieces of the lore are being changed and new information about new and pre-existing characters are updated almost daily.You can read a semi up-to-date version of the lore here.Main inspirations
FNVs story and the elements within in pull from many different sources, both strong and loosely, some of which to note;
➥ Christianity & The Bible
➥ Norse & Greek mythology
➥ The God of War game series
➥ Nichijou
➥ Azumangadaioh
➥ Keroro Gunsou
➥ kurukurusuzi UTAU's
➥ Friday Night Funkin
➥ Guilty GearIn terms of basing off of religious media, it is very vague and only takes basic concepts and pre-existing names/characters from the bible itself.
▓ ✧ Terms of Use~ These terms of use were originally generated with TUBS and may or may not include additional edits━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Voicebank Terms of Use for Thomathy Chaston.≫★ Attribution
When publishing work using this voicebank, you are required to state the name of this voicebank.
You are required to state the name of this voicebank's author.
When attributing the name or author of this voicebank, you must write the names exactly as written above. You cannot call the voicebank by any other name, nor can you attribute the voicebank to any other author.≫★ Usage Content
You are free to create sexual content.
You are free to create violent content.
Do not create political content.
Seek author permission to create religious content.
The following types of content are unconditionally prohibited:
- Criminal or illegal content
- Explicit underage sexual content
- Bigotry and hateful content
- Violations of UTAU's Usage Policy
UpTown-P reserves the right to request takedown of published content at any time, and users are expected to comply.≫★ Character and Artwork
Published work using the voicebank may or may not include visual depictions of the voicebank character.
Artwork does not need to depict the voicebank character. This voicebank can be used in conjunction with artwork of other characters.
Existing artwork of the voicebank character cannot be used without prior permission from the individual artists.≫★ Commercial Use
You are free to use this voicebank commercially.
You cannot use this voicebank or any included assets in projects involving non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or cryptocurrency.≫★ Editing
You are only permitted to clean or enhance this voicebank's audio. You cannot edit the audio in any other way.
You are free to edit any configuration files, such as oto.ini or FRQ files.
You are free to edit, convert, or reconfigure this voicebank for any singing synthesizer.
You are permitted to use the contents of this voicebank outside of singing synthesizers, such as for music production or video production.≫★ Redistribution
Before this voicebank is discontinued, you may only share configuration files, such as oto.ini or FRQ files.
After this voicebank is discontinued, you are free to redistribute part or all of the voicebank. You must correctly attribute the voicebank's name and author, and clearly state any changes you have made.
You are free to share rendered singing vocals created with this voicebank.Disclaimer
UpTown-P holds no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss by the user from downloading or using the voicebank or character.
UpTown-P holds no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss that occurs to any third party as a result of usage of the voicebank or voicebank character.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Voicebank Terms of Use for Springy Cogs.≫★ Attribution
When publishing work using this voicebank, you are required to state the name of this voicebank.
You are required to state the name of this voicebank's authors.
When attributing the name or author of this voicebank, you must write the names exactly as written above. You cannot call the voicebank by any other name, nor can you attribute the voicebank to any other authors.≫★ Usage Content
Do not create sexual content.
Seek author permission from Mechanicalcogs to create violent content.
Do not create political content.
Seek author permission from Mechanicalcogs to create religious content.
The following types of content are unconditionally prohibited:
- Criminal or illegal content
- Explicit underage sexual content
- Bigotry and hateful content
- Violations of UTAU's Usage Policy
Mechanicalcogs & UpTown-P reserves the right to request takedown of published content at any time, and users are expected to comply.≫★ Character and Artwork
Published work using the voicebank may or may not include visual depictions of the voicebank character.
Visual depictions should be clearly recognizable as the voicebank character. This voicebank cannot be used in conjunction with artwork of other characters.
Existing artwork of the voicebank character cannot be used without prior permission from the UpTown-P.≫★ Commercial Use
Contact Mechanicalcogz for individual approval to use this voicebank commercially.
You cannot use this voicebank or any included assets in projects involving non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or cryptocurrency.≫★ Editing
You are only permitted to clean or enhance this voicebank's audio. You cannot edit the audio in any other way.
You are free to edit any configuration files, such as oto.ini or FRQ files.
You can only use this voicebank in UTAU and similar singing synthesizers that do not require any edits to the voicebank.
The contents of this voicebank can only be used in permitted singing synthesizers. However, you are free to use audio from the "EXvoice" folder in other ways, such as for music production or video production.≫★ Redistribution
Before this voicebank is discontinued, you cannot redistribute it.
After this voicebank is discontinued, you cannot redistribute it.
You are free to share rendered singing vocals created with this voicebank.Disclaimer
Mechanicalcogs & UpTown-P hold no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss by the user from downloading or using the voicebank or character.
Mechanicalcogs & UpTown-P hold no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss that occurs to any third party as a result of usage of the voicebank or voicebank character.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Voicebank Terms of Use for Joca Pellington≫★ Attribution
When publishing work using this voicebank, you are required to state the name of this voicebank.
You are required to state the name of this voicebank's authors.
When attributing the name or author of this voicebank, you must write the names exactly as written above. You cannot call the voicebank by any other name, nor can you attribute the voicebank to any other author.≫★ Usage Content
Seek author permission from JocaPelt to create sexual content.
Seek author permission to create violent content.
Do not create political content.
Seek author permission from JocaPelt to create religious content.
The following types of content are unconditionally prohibited:
- Criminal or illegal content
- Explicit underage sexual content
- Bigotry and hateful content
- Violations of UTAU's Usage Policy
JocaPelt & UpTown-P reserves the right to request takedown of published content at any time, and users are expected to comply.≫★ Character and Artwork
Published work using the voicebank may or may not include visual depictions of the voicebank character.
Visual depictions should be clearly recognizable as the voicebank character. This voicebank cannot be used in conjunction with artwork of other characters.
Existing artwork of the voicebank character cannot be used without prior permission from UpTown-P.≫★ Commercial Use
You are free to use this voicebank commercially.
You cannot use this voicebank or any included assets in projects involving non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or cryptocurrency.≫★ Editing
You are only permitted to clean or enhance this voicebank's audio. You cannot edit the audio in any other way.
You are free to edit any configuration files, such as oto.ini or FRQ files.
You can only use this voicebank in UTAU and similar singing synthesizers that do not require any edits to the voicebank.
The contents of this voicebank can only be used in permitted singing synthesizers. You cannot use it in any other way, such as for music production or video production.≫★ Redistribution
Before this voicebank is discontinued, you may only share configuration files, such as oto.ini or FRQ files.
After this voicebank is discontinued, you may only share configuration files, such as oto.ini or FRQ files.
You are free to share rendered singing vocals created with this voicebank.Disclaimer
JocaPelt & UpTown-P hold no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss by the user from downloading or using the voicebank or character.
JocaPelt & UpTown-P hold no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss that occurs to any third party as a result of usage of the voicebank or voicebank character.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━General terms that apply to all vocalists
- Pairing/shipping characters is prohibited unless it is Tomi, Springy & Joca.
- R-18 of underaged characters is prohibited.
- Seek author permission from all parties if you are unsure about general usage content pertaining to a certain character (R-18, violent content, political content, religious content, commercial usage etc.)
▓ ✧ Links of associated individuals & projects and/or groups.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━≫★ General
➥ Google lore document
➥ Discord server
➥ Strawpage
➥ Pixiv (managed by UpTown-P)
➥ UTAU Wiki 2.0≫★ Affiliate
➥ VoiceFace Synthesis≫★ UpTown-P social media links
➥ YouTube
➥ Twitter
➥ BluSky
➥ SoundCloud 1
➥ SoundCloud 2
➥ CuriousCat
➥ DeviantArt≫★ Mechanicalcogs social media links
➥ YouTube
➥ Twitter
➥ BluSky
➥ CuriousCat≫★ JocaPelt social media links
➥ YouTube
➥ Twitter
➥ BluSky
➥ CuriousCat